Forging Men Into Brothers Who Lead Christlike Lives.
The Foundry is a space where men are encouraged to accept their biblical calling to be leaders within their communities. Here, men find a place to be connected, to be challenged, and to be real.
What We Do

Foundry Groups
On a weekly basis there are a number of men's groups that gather across life stages to discuss and encourage each other in what it means to lead a Christlike life.

Throughout the year there will be a number of larger events where men from within All Church, and without, are welcome to gather for fellowship to build helpful relationships with other men at the church. Keep an eye on the events page below to see when future Foundry events are set to happen!

Annual Retreat
Every fall there is a one-night retreat where any and all men are welcome to attend. There is group worship, speakers, small group discussion all set on the topic of what it means to be godly men. There are also activities and challenges that we partake in during free time. Keep an eye on the events page to see when the next retreat is happening!
Foundry Events
Join the men of All Church at our upcoming events.